
Last updated: Jun 18, 2023

WisdomAI by Searchie is an AI chat service that offers generative wisdom for training and content creation.

It uses conversational chat powered by GPT-4 to provide courses, memberships, podcasts, coaching, and more. Users can upload content directly or connect to media sources such as YouTube or Facebook to train WisdomAI.

The chat service can extract important points from multiple sources in a content library to provide conversational and fully referenced responses. Influencers and thought leaders such as Jay Shetty and Gabby Bernstein have showcased the efficacy of WisdomAI.

  • WisdomAI by Searchie offers AI chat services for generative wisdom.
  • The chat service is powered by GPT-4 and can be used for training and content creation.
  • Users can train WisdomAI with their content by uploading it directly or connecting to media sources.
  • WisdomAI can extract important points from multiple sources to provide conversational and fully referenced responses.
  • Influencers such as Jay Shetty and Gabby Bernstein have showcased WisdomAI's efficacy.
  • The service is available for creators who want to leverage their content and help their audience make more progress. 

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