Banter AI

Last updated: Jun 18, 2023

BanterAI is a platform that provides users access to world-class experts and celebrities for human-like voice conversations.

For a monthly fee of $5, users can receive expert advice, unlimited calls, mobile chat and calling, and join a community.

BanterAI also offers unlimited access to all avatars for upgraded members.The avatars include tech giants like Marc Andreesen, Elon Musk, and Steve Jobs, as well as personalities from Hollywood, politics, music, influencers, and anime, among others.

By upgrading their membership, users agree to the terms of service and will be charged the upgraded membership fee until they cancel.

BanterAI also allows users to suggest avatars or persons to create and offers customer support, FAQs, and contact information on their website. 

  • BanterAI provides human-like voice conversations with over 50 world-class celebrities and experts.
  • For a fee of $5/month, users can access expert advice, unlimited calls, mobile chat and calling, and join a community.
  • The platform offers unlimited access to all avatars, including personalities from tech, Hollywood, politics, music, influencers, and anime, among others.
  • Users can suggest avatars or persons to create and access customer support and FAQs on BanterAI's website.
  • Upgraded members agree to the terms of service and will be charged the upgraded membership fee until they cancel.
  • BanterAI aims to provide a realistic AI experience with instant response, though there may be some delay and dialogue issues currently being worked on.

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